New World (Sniper)
Developer: Amazon Games Orange County
Publisher: Amazon Games

Due to their nature, MMORPGs are always multiple generations behind in terms of graphics, and New World is no exception: the global lighting model is primitive, and there is virtually no ambient occlusion, giving the game a full-bright look. Within the confines of its genre however, it does push boundaries. For example, the title makes heavy use of volumetric fog, and near enemy portals the effect can be dazzling. God rays are also omnipresent. The scenery art can look a bit generic at times, though the towns can be quite eye catching.

New World is a perfect example of video game "music", if it can be called that, going completely off the rails. Some fellow named "Ramin Djwadi" provides the most generic Hollywood orchestral score one can imagine. It's impossible to remember the "music", even as it's playing! The game's sound effects are another story, as musket fire and sword clashes reverberate through foggy, crisp morning air in absolutely convincing manner.

Unlike every other game in the genre, New World's combat is entirely real-time. Blocking and dodging play a huge role. There are perhaps a dozen weapon types, each with two skill trees. Knowing when to use abilities is key. One of three factions can be joined, and the player can toggle their "PvP" flag before leaving a town. Killing opposition "PvP"-flagged faction members helps the killer's faction gradually take control of that area. The entire in-game economy is handled via a player auction system: there are no NPC vendors.

Nominally, New World is a theme park MMORPG in the vein of "World of Warcraft" and its many clones. But the real-time combat and faction aspects really push it ahead of the pack. It also gets the players off the usual MMORPG treadmill, giving them immense freedom to travel the world at will, and to level up in a myriad of ways. The constant territorial meta-game sees literal armies of players marching across the world map to attack opposition forts. New World is a unique new entry in a dormant genre. It will be interesting to see how it evolves over time.

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